Thursday, 11 February 2010

Garden Design

Garden Gifts for Kids

What else can enchant your heart more beautifully than a blossoming flower? Bunch of flowers? Greenery pleases every eye! In order to find just a little more glimpse of it, we do not mind spending a lot of money and time going to landscapes for vacations! What if you could bring a bit of this beauty to your home as well? It would be nice, wouldn’t it? Luckily, it is possible to do so by creating a garden of your own, based on various gardening patterns and garden designs. And you really do not need to have vast space or lots of money to go for it. It is only a matter of opening your mind and taking the right decision.

The garden designs are available in many variants to suit any type of climate and surroundings. The only things you should have are: some space and passion to maintain this beauty! And the best part of it, with the innovative ideas and tips mentioned below, you can create a remarkable garden of your own.

A good garden design is the one that underlines the existing architecture and resonates well with the contemporary life style.

Japanese Garden Design

The traditional Japanese garden commonly contains lots of rocks, artificial water features like ponds and fountains, sand, moss and few sculptures. All these elements when placed together, artistically, create a natural and serene sight. If you are looking forward to create a Japanese garden for your place, then following are the facts that you need to keep in mind.

Firstly, empty space is an important element of this garden design. You should not clutter the space with a number of sculptures or big rocks. A justified use of every element will bring in the desired look.

The plants included in Japanese garden design are bamboo, moss, rubber plants and tea plants. If you have good space, you can also include flowery trees like cherry and camellia in your garden.

Italian Garden Design

The Italian gardens though look astonishing but are quite complex in their designing methodology. Just to avoid expensive errors, it is advisable to employ a garden designer if you are looking forward for such garden. The Italian garden design has the potential to render beauty to any and every kind of architecture. It establishes a perfect harmony between the house and the surroundings. But at the same time the garden needs a lot of time and money for its maintenance.

With the advice of the professional garden designer, you can pick the plants and trees well adapted to the climate you are living in and the soil of your garden. The Italian design involves lots of shrubs and trees planted along the boundary of the garden and the central part is kept empty though green.

Beautiful gardens are not bind to these specific patterns. Explore your imaginations, use fewer plants, pick pleasing blends of textures and colours, keep it simple and maintainable, and here you are with your own garden design!

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