Thursday, 13 September 2012

Choosing the Perfect Garden Shed

Whether it is power equipment, hand tools or potting equipment, we need to keep them properly in a safe place. Well, a garden shed can be an innovative way to enhance the appearance of your garden. This functional addition will help you store and manage your gardening stuff. Today, you can notice other alternative uses of garden sheds in addition to storage, like workshops and garden greenhouses. But first, you need to ensure the best sort of garden shed that will help you in all aspects of your day-to-day life.

Choosing the best place for implementing a shed is the first concern. Look for a firm, level site that does not hold standing water. Most of the gardeners keep their sheds safe, far from the reach of other people. It should be placed in a location where you can access your garden equipments with ease. It is safe to place a shed next to a taller building, fence or hedge. It will last longer and have a good protection.

Perfect size and material are also important things to consider. The size of a wooden shed generally ranges from 4 x 4 feet to 4 x 10 feet. It depends upon you, for what purpose you are going to use a shed. So, first dictate the shape and design you are going to build. Then decide on the type of materials you want to use. You can look for softwood, metal, vinyl or even plastic. Many people prefer metal garden sheds as they're straightforward to assemble. They are also less expensive than other alternatives. If you want something sturdy, then vinyl garden shed will be quite durable. It not only withstands extreme weather conditions, but also resists dent and fire. A wooden shed looks pretty which can blend in better than a metal one. It last for a longer period, but you need to protect it from termites. A tongue and groove style will be the best choice.

Make your garden shed attractive by adding windows and shutters. You can make it a beautiful spot by building a meandering path across the yard. This path will keep your feet safe and you can easily move heavy equipments into the shed. Include electricity for running fan, lights, and power tools. Ensure proper water supply as you can quickly mix fertilizers, other chemicals, and even wash your hand.

Security of your garden shed is also an important look out. Locks can be easily broken or removed by strangers or thieves. Check for a good locking mechanism and ability to padlock the door. If you’re still not happy with it, then get a battery powered alarm. It will help you keep all your garden tools and contents safely. Make sure to elongate windows above the eye level. This will limit others to climb and look into your shed. Once you’ve considered these vital points, you can have a beautiful and secured garden shed right in your backyard.     


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